Artistic Career
Music has always been a big part of Oana Lianu’s life. At the age of 6 she started the study of the piano, at the age of 13 she discovered the magic of the panpipe and at the age of 15, her father, Ion Lianu, an ethnologist and professor, initiated her in the art of folk instruments. Oana’s talent has always been noticeable, the composer Valentin Timaru considered her a panpipe genius, and the composer Tudor Jarda said “Oana’s panpipe vibrates at the height of perfection”.
Named the Skylark, Oana Lianu has a voice with unique timbral inflections, covering over 3 octaves. The artist’s repertoire includes musical genres such as cafe concert, evergreen, folklore, classical music, light music, jazz-cafe, contemporary music, carols, romances. Her unique combination of vocals and the panpipe creates a formidable effect, completed by the other instruments Oana masters: piano, kaval, tilinca, pipe, bagpipes, ocarina, Jew’s harp.
Throughout her career, Oana’s performances were as diverse as the musical styles she approached, from jazz-café and classical music shows abroad, to national folklore festivals, as a musician and as a juror. In addition, Oana Lianu also has an experience of 2 years as a producer and moderator of folklore tv shows.
The artist has released 5 albums of jazz-cafe, folklore, classical music and carols.
Academic Career
Oana Lianu became a Doctor in Music at the “George Dima” Music Academy in Cluj – Napoca at the age of 29, where she also graduated from. Her doctoral thesis, The Method for Learning to Play the Panpipe was awarded the Summa Cum Laude honor. In 2007 she took over the Folk Ensemble of the Faculty of Music in Oradea, becoming the first female conductor of a folk student orchestra.
Oana Lianu is part of a limited category of artists that exceptionally combine academia with their artistic careers. As a result of her experience as an artist and an academician, Oana Lianu teaches the following subjects: Music Folklore, Folklore Ensemble, Jazz-Light Music, Theory of Instruments, Organology, Music Education Systems, Research and Scientific Writing. In addition, she mentors students from the Folklore Section of the Faculty of Arts in Oradea, who obtain numerous awards at county and national folk music festivals and promote the romanian cultural legacy.
Today, Oana Lianu holds the title of Doctor of Music at the Faculty of Arts from the University of Oradea. Her books and publications: Method for learning to play the panpipe, The panpipe between tradition and modernity and Musical Folklore Course are among the most valuable scientific study materials in the music literature of the world.